Climate Change Is Real

I'm glad that you wanted to read this because today's generation barely wants to talk about these topics, all we need is comfort.

Anyways here we will discuss the following
  • General Information on climate change
  • Facts on climate change
  • And some Myths
The word 'CLIMATE CHANGE' its a stereotype, meaning almost everyone knows about it but none is putting efforts to do something for it.
Before understanding it, let me put some fact about Human being. We Human being are nowadays doing every possible thing to make our life easy and comfortable. We're getting a good education, developing technology and much more, without thinking about pollution. But, What if I tell you these are going to be totally waste in the upcoming 100 or 200 years. Some online sources are also claiming that earth may become inhabitable by 2050.

Anyways who cares right? It will happen when it will happen.

See in the above few words. All I want to say is we human beings are becoming so selfish that, we are only thinking about our future, but not about our next generation. But trust me all those developments which are not sustainable are totally waste. 
Now let's discuss the topic first "Climate change is real" with some real example and fact, then we will talk about some untold story and myths. 
 [This article will provide you with quick basic information that you need to know about climate change because it is a very big topic that one cannot write it in one article]

Climate Change is real. there’s no doubt that climate change is the biggest threat to humanity and other life forms.

What is Climate Change by definition
Climate change refers to the significant long term changes in the global temperature, wind patterns, precipitation patterns and other expected patterns of average weather of a region. In other words, climate change is a significant change in the atmosphere for a very long period of time.

What causes climate change
So there are two things that cause climate change that are human activities and natural causes. But the major cause which is leading to the problem is human activities. so let's dig in

Human activities -
The main cause of climate change is the greenhouse effect.
you guys might be thinking “ yo bro so what exactly is greenhouse effect”. Since the industrial revolution has begun the use of fossil fuels and carbon emission has increased.
These harmful pollutants like Carbon Dioxide(CO2), Nitrous oxide(N20), Methane(CH4) which are produced by the burning of fossil fuels are the greenhouse gases which are acting like a blanket(or windshield) to trap the sun’s heat and energy, rather than letting it reflect back. When the concentration of these greenhouse gases becomes too high then too much heat is trapped therefore earth gets heated up. Got it?

So what on earth do these greenhouse gases do?
Carbon dioxide: Industrial process, transportation, electricity alone makes up more than 80% of the carbon dioxide realized. carbon dioxide produced through human activities such as fossil fuel, deforestation. Because of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, It is being absorbed in the surface of the ocean causing ocean acidification.
Methane: methane warms the planet by 86 times as much as carbon dioxide. Methane which is emitted from human activities are controlling how fast the warming occurs. These are produced by livestock manure and food decomposition.
Nitrous oxide: this gas is produced by soil cultivation, commercial and organic fertilizer. The process that removes the nitrous oxide is also destroying the ozone.
CFC: These are man-made compounds which are used in refrigerators, aerosols and air conditioner. It has a long lifetime and destroys the ozone layer by reducing its effect

let’s look at some pie chart for a better understanding

  • You can clearly see that china makes up most of the global carbon emission.
  • Electricity and heat production is the leading global gas emission by economic sector.
  • Carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse emission gas followed by methane.

Natural Cause

Natural causes have a little effect on climate change compared to human activities
Solar output: The rate at which the Earth receives energy from the Sun and the rate at which the energy is emitted back in the space determine the climate and equilibrium temperature on the Earth. Changes in the solar output thus impact the global climate.
Volcanos: Volcanic eruption contains more than 100,000 tons of SO2 which bring climate change. These eruptions cool down the earth atmosphere for a small amount of period by reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth surface.

Up to here, We all have learned all those things which I guess we already know.

Here are some Visuals showing Climate Change Is Real

   2020 Visuals

 Australia’s deadly bushfires

Vegetation in the Himalayas

Floods in Dubai

Storms in America’s Deep South

 Brown New Zealand Glaciers

 Taal Volcano Eruption

So Is there any documentary or movies based on climate change and stuff?
I have suggested some movie name here. You can watch this to entertain as well as to inform yourself that this could happen in future if we don’t do anything to stop climate change. Here you go
  1. An Inconvenient Truth,  
  2. Chasing Ice,  
  3. The Day After Tomorrow,  
  4. Chasing Coral.

 Remember one thing, There is no Planet B

 Time to finish the Article, we don't have a perfect end for this article because this topic is so sensitive that no one will understand until they want to do something.

And now, I have two questions for you.
  • Give me one solid reason why can't these movies/documentaries scenes can happen in real? 
  • If we can make other planets habitable, then why can't we save the earth, which already supports life?

    Write your answer in the comment box and if you a have anything in your mind about any topic please don't hesitate to ask us. Our team is always ready to assist you.

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