WWW It is not as Simple as you think.

We think we know what it is but reality is different most of the common people don’t know what is web and why we are saying you'll know in further reading.

Basic definition of world wide web is, that it may be defined as it is network of online content or offline content now a days too in format of HTML interlinked with URL's which can be accessed in whole world by anyone having access to internet. The world wide web was basically designed by Sir Tim Berners’s Lee in March 12 1991 while he was working as a contractor At CERN. This is the basic which most of us probably know.

But, What most of common people Don’t know about web is that it is categorised in three parts.
A fact: most of the common citizen of world only surfs or know web only about 2% to 4% of web.

Basically web is divided into three categories:

1. Surface web
2. Deep web
3. Dark web

A thing to make yourself clear is deep web and dark web are different than each other,they are not similar in any case and web is redily categorised in this sequence.
So in process to understand the tittle of page and every other thing about web  we must know all three type of web as listed:

Surface web:

The learning definition is: Surface web (also known as lightnet, indexable web or indexed web) is the portion of world wide web ehich is readily available for all general public and easily seachable with standard web search engines.

Example: Imagine you are buying something on amazon by searching it on chrome and otger eeb browswers and it easily appears  that searching is you are doing on the surface web and everything u search and easily available for you is on the surface web.

Deep web: 

The learning definition is The deep web (also known as invisible web or hidden web)  are parts of the World Wide Web whose contents are accessed by standard web search engines for any reason. It is created by Michael K Bergman in 2001.

Example: Websites listed on deep web can’t be found doing simple search on Google or any other web browser and those websites are formally related to government hidden authorities, online banking, government database, pages which are readily password protected.

So, here we are on our main topic "Dark web". Let's know what is it? How dark it is? And How it work? Comment if you also want to know: [ How to access it. ] 

*Note: The Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. wwhtodo and it's teams is not responsible for any damage done by You. So, We highly warn you not to access Dark web. 

Dark web: 

Dark which we call the main game of the internet, it's infrastructure is created in 1970 the same time when internet is found but to access dark web you need a dark net software, and the most popular dark net software till now is torr which is created in early 20’s by US naval research lab it was created for many purposes back then but now it id the most popular dark net software.

• How dark it is? And How it works.

Infrastructure of dark net is so complicated but it works simple here users can communicate through encrypted data can buy or sell or anything in full anonymity but most fo the users of dark net and works are illegal the users of dark web are mostly smugglers, extremists , criminals and many other type of users.
There is even a crowdfunded “Assassination Market”, where users can pay towards having someone assassinated.
Because of the the dark web’s almost total anonymity, it has been the place of choice for groups wanting to stay hidden online from governments and law enforcement agencies. On the one hand there have been whistleblowers using the dark web to communicate with journalists, but more frequently it has been used by paedophile groupsterrorists and criminals to keep their dealings secret.

Comment below if you need more information.

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