How the universe may destroy.


The Ultimate fate of the universe or how the universe will come to an End.
So As, today’s Scientist knows all about the universe, they know about this too, Scientist from all over the world is researching on how the universe will come to an end and they have proposed Three Theories for it.

  • ·         THE BIG RIP

Basically, to understand any of three theories, one must know a fact that the Universe is Expanding at a rate but not only at a constant rate, the rate of expansion is accelerating and the main reason which is known till now is Dark Energy (basically Dark Energy is a strange phenomenon that scientist believe permeates the Universe). Albert Einstein thought of It first but then He decided that It was stupid, but now Astrophysicist have decided it is plausible but the main problem here is it all so theoretical and we don’t really know the theories of Dark Energy and as today’s technology the best current measurements indicates that the dark energy contributes 68.3% of the total energy in the present day.
Now, Let try to understand all three theories precisely.

The Big Rip Theory

 It goes with the name Rip, the learning definition is: It is a hypothetical cosmological model, which concerns the Ultimate fate of the universe, from Stars and Galaxies to Atoms and to Sub-Atomic particles will be torn apart or ripped apart by the expansion of the Universe.
So, to understand it simply: we all know now that the universe is expanding from its birth and spaces are created everywhere equally for many unknown reasons so the space between the galaxies also expands and they move apart and the space inside the galaxies also expands, but here gravity keeps them together but in The Big Rip scenario the acceleration of the expansion will be increased at that rate that Gravity Can’t handle the effect and it gives the result as Big Rip.
So, after this happens at first large structures like-Galaxies will be torn apart, next big bodies like Black Holes, Stars, planets will die but their gravity are strong enough to keep them together, so they dissolve in their components and in the end space will expand faster than the SPEED OF LIGHT WHICH IS 300,000,000 M/S and ones space is expanding faster than the light no an particle can interact with anyone.


The Big Crunch Theory

It also goes with the name crunch, The Learning definition: It is one possible scenario for the Ultimate fate of the universe, in which the METRIC EXPANSION OF SPACE eventually reverses and the universe re collapses ultimately causing a Reformation of the universe.

The Big crunch is the most uplifting scenario and it is relatively related to dark energy. Like what we assume the power of dark energy if it less than that or it is decreases with time, Gravity becomes the most dominating force in the universe one day, in a few trillion years the rate of expansion of universe will stop and start reversing the universe expansion, Galaxies will race each other merging as the universe becomes smaller and smaller, since the smaller universe means hotter universe temperature rise everywhere but 1,00,000 years before the big crunch background radiations will be hotter than the surfaces of most stars, minutes before the big crunch happens atoms core are ripped apart before super massive black hole to  everything and finally all the black holes will merge into the super massive black holes that contains the entire massive universe and last minute before the big crunch it will devour the universe including itself and universe will come to an end according to THE BIG CRUNCH THEORY.
Heat death/The Big Freeze

 Also goes with the name, The learning definition: It is one of the plausible ultimate fate of the universe in which the will be in a state where it has no THERMODYNAMIC FREE ENERGY (thermodynamic energy is the amount of work which can be done in thermodynamic system) So, it cannot sustain processes that increases Entropy.

So, One thing you might have noticed in the learning definition that heat death have many scientific terms which only guys who has studied science can understand but as usual I'll try my best to make you understand in normal language what is this thing- So first things first the last word in learning definition is Entropy so let's talk about that, Entropy is simple to understand  Every system tends towards highest entropy like assume you have a hot coffee  with milk foam up of it, for instance initially it has different regions but overtime it will cool down and the milk foam will come to a point where it is uniform to the coffee in the mug and The same goes for the universe, like while the universe is getting bigger and bigger matters slowly decays and spreads out and At some point, after lots of generations of stars all the gas clouds necessary to form stars will be exhausted so the universe will turn dark and the remaining suns will die and Black holes will slowly degenerate and evaporate over trillions of years which is known by HAWKING RADIATION. When this process is complete only a dilute gas and photons and light particles remains until even this decay, all activity in the universe ceases at this point, Entropy is at it's maximum and the universe is Dead forever.

Asked By sahil Argawal

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